Home Forums 10mm Semi-Auto Handguns Smith & Wesson 10XX Series Pistols

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    • #1054

      Smith & Wesson 10mm pistols
      1006 – 26,979 units produced 1990-93
      1076 – 13,805 units produced 1990-93
      1066 – 5,067 units produced 1990-92
      1026 – 3,135 units produced 1990-91
      1086 – 1,660 units produced 1990-92
      1046 – 151 units produced 1991 (only)

      1006- 5″ barrel, slide mounted safety/decocker traditional double action
      1026- 5″ barrel, frame mounted decocker traditional double action
      1046- 5″ barrel double action only
      1066- 4.25″ barrel, slide mounted safety/decocker traditional double action
      1076- 4.25″ barrel, frame mounted decocker traditional double action
      1086- 4.25″ barrel double action only

      S&W 1006- 5.00″ barrel, slide mounted safety/decocker traditional double action
      S&W 1066- 4.25″ barrel, slide mounted safety/decocker traditional double action
      The hammer on the 1006 has the full tang, the 1066 is bobbed.
      The 1006 and 1066 do have the slide mounted decocker/safety on both sides of the slide. Safety/Decocker if placed in safe mode allows the hammer to be dropped safely to the blocking bar so it can not hit the firing pin. With the Safety/Decocker in fire mode, pulling the trigger will cock and fire the pistol. The pistol can be carried with the Safety/Decocker in the fire position with the hammer un-cocked and the trigger will cock the hammer and fire the pistol Double Action. After the gun is fired, it is fully recocked and the gun is fired single action till empty or decocked. You can carry the pistol cocked and locked with the Safety/Decocker in fire position, then the “ONLY SAFETY IS THE TRIGGER” Single Action! Some models can be fired without the magazine present if the magazine disconnect is removed.

      NOTE for comparison
      S&W 1026- 5.00″ barrel, frame mounted decocker traditional double action
      S&W 1076- 4.25″ barrel, frame mounted decocker traditional double action
      These can be decocked by pushing down on the frame mounted decocking lever, the hammer is dropped to a half or partially cocked position and pulling the trigger will cock and fire the pistol. After the gun is fired it is fully recocked and the gun is fired single action till empty or decocked. The hammer when dry fired will be all the way down but pulling the trigger will cock and fire the gun. Some models can be fired without the magazine present if the magazine disconnect is removed. FBI models worked this way..

      S&W 1046- 5.00″ barrel double action only,
      S&W 1086- 4.25″ barrel double action only, this pistol has to be partially cocked to be able to double action. By that I mean when you rack the slide to chamber a round the hammer remains partially cocked, there is NO DECOCKING FEATURE! Also the 1086 if you have a failure to fire you can not cock the hammer by squeezing the trigger a second time to fire. No Second Strike Capability. You would have to eject the round or move the slide rearward some to re-set the action to have the trigger cock the double action hammer again. Some models can be fired without the magazine present if the magazine disconnect is removed. Notice the tang looks smaller because the slide is longer in the rear, to cover the cocked hammer therefore the tang/beaver tail of the 1046/1086 looks shorter than the 1006/1066, 1026/1076.

      The Stock grips from S&W are either straight back or a palmswell or curved back/hump back type, the straight backs are the smallest in area to fill the hand and the palmswell, curved back & humpbacks are only slightly larger as they fill the palm area a little more but about the same thickness from side to side. Note that the Frame mounted decockers require grips specifically cut for the decockers.

      The 10xx series are close to 1911 size but do have a different feel in the grip, and trigger pull.

      P/N 205000000 – Grip, Palm Swell DL(Delrin) – (“FBI”)
      The S&W P/N’s for the 1026 and 1076 are:
      203630000 – Grip, Curved DL(Delrin) Width Installed – 1.075″ Wide
      203650000 – Grip, Straight DL(Delrin) Width Installed – 1.085″ Wide
      205000000 – Grip, Palm Swell DL(Delrin) – (“FBI”) Width Installed – 1.235″ Wide

      Smith and Wesson 10mm 10xx series Magazines Marked ES, ES1, MS, MS1
      Yellow followers 45° tip
      White followers straight tip

      If you are wanting your gun to shoot with out a mag in place, it’s an easy fix.
      Remove the rear site from right to left, take the plunger and spring out of the left side, reinstall the rear sight and you are done.
      Be sure that you remove the parts from the left side, the similar parts on the right side are part of the firing pin safety system and you want to leave them in place. Be warned that the rear sight is going to be in there fairly tight, so use a sight pusher if you can.
      Do not remove anything from the frame itself, ie: disconnector!
      If you have access to a parts diagram familiarize yourself with the parts mentioned before you begin, simple job.

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    • #1094

      I noticed that you did not mention the recall on the grips back in 1990 or so.
      If dropped on the heel, the grip would break and the hammer spring would fly out.
      S&W sent out new grips that had a dimple on the bottom, but never had the old grips returned.
      So all those old/bad grips are still in circulation.


    • #1096

      You are correct Tony!
      S&W 3rd Gen Recall info

      S&W customer service about 3rd Generation recalls.

      1.) Grips – early grips were made of a material that when dropped could break. The material was switched and newer manufactured grips have a punch mark on the base between the back of the frame and the take down hole. These will be replaced free by S&W.

      2.) Followers – all yellow followers were recalled for law enforcement and new white (10mm) and black (45) were furnished with newer heavy duty magazine springs. This was an enhancement and not a total recall, hence LE only got the free treatment. You can call and if they authorize the free replacement the magazines must be returned to the factory. They are very fast returning them.

      3.) Decocking levers – there existed a problem with all decocking lever type guns like 1076, 1026, 4576 etc, in all calibers. The recall requires return to the factory and when the recall is completed the frame is stamped with two dots under the decocking lever that are visible when the lever is depressed.

      4.) Frames of 4516 and 4566 pistols with a TEZ serial prefix which were manufactured in the 1990 and 1991 years were recalled for a defect in the frame. Frames will be replaced and fitted free of charge.

    • #1105

      Great information on the different models. My 10mm’s have always been in the form of a 1911’s. 6 years ago I came across a gently used 1066 and love the pistol.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by bigtex10mmbigtex10mm.
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    • #1257

      Here is a picture of my Smith and Wesson 10mm series although I have 2 of the 1086’s one isn’t pictured.

      Early on Bar-Sto machine was making the 40S&W conversion barrels for some of the S&W 10xx series pistols. I purchased a Match Grade 40S&W for my 1006 5″, which I hand fitted to my slide and frame which had allowed me to use the abundant supply of 40S&W casings and save on to the 10mm cases which we all have seen them achieve “Low Earth Orbit” at times never to be seen again!

      As time went on I was communicating with Mike McNett of Double Tap on the Glock Talk forum about the 9×25 Dillon cartridge. He actually had commissioned Bar-Sto to produce some “Match Grade 9×25 Dillon” conversion barrels. He had one left for the Smith and Wesson 1006 and I purchased it from him. I had to also hand fit the barrel to the slide and frame which was the easy part. However Bar-Sto short cut the chambered on them to have final reaming of the chamber for the proper head spacing of the bottle neck cartridge as designed by Randy Shelley of Dillion.
      While I didn’t have access to a reamer or the machining, I was contacted by a fellow Van Schneider of The Gunworks on the 10mm Talk Forum, who was a gunsmith and had the reamer for the 9×25. I sent the fitted barrel to him for the final chamber reaming and he did an awesome job for.

      Early on I had changed the factory 18lbs recoil spring to an extra power 22 lbs from Wolff Gun Springs. Also bought a 24 lb spring for testing and eval as needed.

      Added a picture of the other 1086 which has the silver stainless steel hammer and trigger

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    • #1476

      This was a serious testing of the S & W 1006

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      • #1481

        The 5th page

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by The_ShadowThe_Shadow.
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    • #1519

      Very informative, Thanks Wade!

    • #1770

      Smith and Wesson 10xx series pistol grips

      Straight Palm Grip (SB)
      Palm Swell Grip (PS)
      Arched Back Grip (AB)

      The S&W P/N’s for the 1026 and 1076 are:
      203650000 – Grip, Straight DL(Delrin)
      205000000 – Grip, Palm Swell DL(Delrin) – (“FBI”)
      203630000 – Grip, Curved DL(Delrin)

      The widths installed on the gun are approx. using a vernier/dial indicator:
      Straight – 1.085″ Wide
      Palm Swell -(“FBI”) – 1.235″ Wide
      Curved – 1.075″ Wide

      • This reply was modified 1 year ago by The_ShadowThe_Shadow.
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      • #1773

        Smith and Wesson 10xx series grip proper removal and installation.

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    • #1824

      Great info on these. I own both a 1066 and a 1026 at this time and owned a 1076 at one time also.

    • #1861

      Very nice write-up Shadow. Good to see you on here. 🙂
      Allegedly the Accu-Guide marked mags were the latest version and contain the white followers. I’ve heard from an ex-S&W employee that those were shaped slightly different but to my naked eye, I can’t find any differences. I’ve had mag retention issues with one gun with the original yellow follower mags, but same gun did not with any Accu-Guide mags. I think it is more the gun than the mag however and of course the follower shouldn’t affect that.

      Attached is the original 10mm safety recall alert on the grips discussed above.

      I’ll add also to the list there was a recall on the frame mounted decocker guns of the 3rd generation. For 10mm’s, these are the 1026 and 1076. See attachment below. If there are not two dots under the decocking lever, the recall has not been done.

      Here’s my now infamous “10-ring” showing all 6 models of 10mm.

      • This reply was modified 10 months, 3 weeks ago by BambihunterBambihunter.
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    • #1866

      Original Smith and Wesson 10xx series magazines for 10mm had a yellow follower with a notch on the top front left side see picture.
      I have seen some that were orange color with a slope of the front as well.
      Also early on here is mention of Accu-Guide indents to help cartridge movement

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      • #1897

        Great info on the dots under the frame decock on the 1076 and 26. I didn’t know how to tell if my 1026 had the recall fix. It does thanks!

    • #1871

      The newest followers are these white ones that matched the newer yellow ones.
      Older original yellow followers had the slope on the front tip like the orange as pictured above.

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    • #1895

      Thanks for the info on the mags. I’m about half and half between White Follower and Yellow all 10 rounders. Made out like a bandit last year at a gun show. Asked a vendor who had a bunch of older Smith Mags if he had any 10mm mags. Had 5 quoted me a price of a $100 bill, all White followers! Needless to say, I didn’t haggle or hesitate! Do need a source for parts, as know I have a white follower with a broken base-plate and need to check my mag springs. Also need to check what grips I have, as have at least 2 new sets but don’t remember what they were for the Smith 10’s.

      • This reply was modified 10 months, 1 week ago by RCRRCR.
    • #1910

      Wolff Gun Springs will have some of the springs and mag, recoil and trigger springs, etc.
      Numrich Gun parts might have but plates and follower

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